One of the few advantages of being a small startup company in a world full of giant apparel brands is that we can use one manufacturer to create all of our new fabric and designs! After searching for more than six months, we are so happy to be working with a small, woman-owned manufacturer. Emma has a factory with only 51 employees, and she is crushing it! 

At Soul Fire Apparel, we are very passionate about making sure we have the highest world standards in ethical labor as well as continually prioritizing the environmental and societal impacts of our apparel.

Emma’s factory is certified in ethical labor- meeting the highest world standards in environmental and societal impacts.
Emma's employees receive more vacation time than we do and we absolutely support that!

Being a smaller company also gives us the freedom to choose where our fabrics come from and providing us the amazing opportunity to develop our ecofriendly SouLux Flow fabric to create and grow an entire line from sustainably-grown bamboo!

As we continually grow with Soul Fire Apparel, we strive to approach each of these important business decisions with time and care- understanding that the choices we all make now will impact our future generations to come- socially, economically and environmentally. Join us in continuing our journey to be the change we wish to see!